2 Bedroom - Looking for Roommate

2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. 10X11 room from floor plan is for rent. Washer & Dryer in-unit. Balcony/Patio as well. 1st floor apartment. Gym, movie theater, pool and ample parking. It is the Bell Wheeler Hill Apartment Community and the photos are the model home pictures from the . The bedroom is not furnished. I am eco-conscious - I like to be conservative with energy use (gas and electricity) so I would want my roommate to respect that and hopefully also feel the same way. I have a small cat, she is friendly and I keep her litter box very, very clean. No additional pets. Rent would be split between us, typically being $800-850 each (water use is included in rent and so it fluctuates a little from month to month). I pay for utilities right now (gas and electric) and it isn't too expensive, but if you use a lot of electricity and gas I'd be asking for a partial payment for that also. The only thing I do not pay for here is the internet and cable - my roommate right now has that bill and I'd ask whoever moves in to take that on as well. I am not picky for channels etc. I am looking for someone clean, responsible, respectful and easy going. Because of my shift (4am-12:30pm) I go to bed early and so if you like to party or be loud late at night, then this would not be a good fit. The lease ends in November, you'd be signing on for the remainder of the lease. Please contact me if you're interested.

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Thank You:)

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